-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-="Desk" is an Android application for business chat service provided by Digital Arts.This application can be installed for free.However, in order to start using it, it is necessary to obtain a usage license according to the number of uses from a handling agency and perform license authentication.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=◇ Main features of this application○ You can receive new chat notifications.○ You can have a text chat with "Desk".○ You can participate in online meetings.------------------------------------------------■ System requirements ■ Compatible OS: Android 11 or higher------------------------------------------------*Digital Arts, DIGITAL ARTS, i-FILTER, i-FILTER Anti-Virus & Sandbox, i-FILTER@Cloud Anti-Virus & Sandbox, i-FILTER@Cloud D alert transmission report service, info board, Active Rating System, D -SPA, Anti-Virus & Sandbox for D-SPA, NET FILTER, SP-Cache, White Web, ZBRAIN, Credential Protection, White Operation, m-FILTER, m-FILTER MailFilter, m-FILTER Archive, m-FILTER Anti- Spam, m-FILTER Anti-Virus & Sandbox, m-FILTER@Cloud Anti-Virus & Sandbox, m-FILTER@Cloud D alert transmission report service, m-FILTER File Scan, Mail Detox, m-FILTER EdgeMTA, EdgeMTA, FinalCode , DigitalArts@Cloud, Desk@Cloud, Desk, Desk Event, StartIn, f-FILTER, D-Alert, D-Contents, and other company and product-related names, logos, icons, designs, etc. are registered trademarks of Digital Arts Inc. or trademark.*Other company names and product names are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=